Saturday, September 5, 2009

Adieu !

One eve, I chance to watch the setting sun .
Provokes he, a thought, while on the run ;
That bidding Adieu can never be a fun.

As he inscribes a message on the last of his rays ,
"Tomorrow again I come", it eagerly says ;

And the wind goads the rustlling leaves to whisper ;
"Like the pedantic sun, you too must follow my dear."

And so, with a heavy heart, I compose a plaintive rhyme ,
to bid a final adieu to whatever was mine.

Adieu to my dearest Motherland.
It's time to enter the castles, I built on your sand.

Adieu my mum and adieu my dad.
Remember, your son wasn't born to make you sad.

Adieu my dearest friends, this moment, who assimilate.
Honoured as I am, to this group that I relate.

Adieu my countless well-wishers, who have me in a heavy debt.
With your blessings as my pawns, I challenge fate for a check-mate.

Adieu my first crush in those good old school days.
"What's kept in the name" is what Shakespeare says .

Adieu my dearest alma mater.
Forgetting you is impossible an err.

With all these adieus, I want you all to remember
"I am always yours, in consciousness and in slumber."

And if ever am needed in one of those turns,
Don't hesitate to call me for just a thousand burns.

And now, in the life's garden, there are several roses to pluck.
I wish you all a very Best Of Luck !

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