Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Longing

What a singular creature that I have been ;
Born in this thriving house of bane ,
with ears the traitors, silence the sane.
I befriended misery to fathom the unseen.

Emotions though free men, tears but prisoners be ;
For untamed tongues spill out a deceitful cacophony.
With thoughts my food and solitude belonging ;
I scrape through the day for that very longing.

Longing to be with the one very dear ;
Though visage unknown and contours unclear.
Yet, beneath the heavens, my heart knoweth
of a soul, pure and mirthful, it often speaketh.

Longing to kick open the chambers of my heart
full with untrodden corridors dark.
And while thus she sees her lover unveiled ,
I would inturn perceive a new man revealed.

Longing to feel that very first touch ;
And devour it as if life wouldn't offer much.
To feel the chill go down the spine ;
Of souls the union, as bodies entwine.

Longing to hear my tongue obey
the surges of mirth or of utter dismay,
that ever riseth in this human heart.
Though madness I favour, with stolidness I part.

Longing to feel that very longing
when the dearest isn't nearby.
Cursing the void as if feeling
sans her, life's a big tearful sigh.

Longing to behold the destiny's allegiance ;
To my humble longings, the future's compliance.
And now, clinging firmly to faith's icicle,
I meet life headon; whether victory or debacle.



Swanand said...

Chhane..! It creates a visual with enough voids to be filled in by the reader... :)

vinay said...

wonderful! A poem for various moods, where, as Swanand has noted, the reader can feel his own longings, whatever they may be, through these very lines!

sauru said...

Thanks a lot both of you :)